Saturday, April 30, 2011

This ones for you Pat Boone

Tables legs aprons
Stress with sharp points
It better work

I have been researching about healthy living and my studies have uncovered that people believe that small Haikus (poems consisting of 5,7,5 sylable structure) and green tea helps promote healthy bowels.  I dont have any problems in that area but I sure dont want any!  Thats all besides the fact of the matter, the matter being what kind of cake batter am I going to chose from my line up?  Funfeti is always fun and feta-y but I think the talking Gorilla would preffer something a bit more natural so I am choosing to go with Hydrogen infused chocolate for a explosive taste that is number one on the element chart!  Making cents is over rated, I make checks!  

In the studio today I made some magic happen.  The table frame is complete, sanded and dry fitted.  I made the template for the inside track and tried to finish the crank and handle but gave up due to frustration and have decided to go a different route with it.   

Also, I recieved some images of my table from last semseter.  Thanks Betsy.  I wanted it to try to reveal the shape without being whole.  The finishing was done poorly as well as the jointery holding the pieces together.  I am going to take it appart and make it better one day.  Maybe next semester?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Apron Bolts

Bolts and Circle Nuts

Circle Nut inside apron

Bolt between split tenon

Screw head is flush to leg

Monday, April 25, 2011

That what happens when two atoms collide.

Its been two weeks.  Two very short weeks.  I have been making small bits of progress on the table ya know little things like, axles w/ wooden chain holders, small cranks, nylon bushings, custom bolt and nut devices to make the table able to break into smaller pieces and designing a chain tensioner.  The design is becoming more and more complex as the table 'rolls' into further stages.  But, in order to keep myself from getting too frustrated with that work I have been managing to ride my bike and make other small things for the beasts (chain tensionser and nylon BB spacers). 
Bicycle Chain Tensioner
Besides that everything has been going swimmingly.  Thesis and advancement shows have been going on every night it seems.  Kyleens was very billowy and fun.  Her thoughts about the meanings associated with objects that we see when were young and then when were adults was interesting.  There was also Adam Manleys show.  It was very nice, I don't really understand what was happening but I like it a lot.  The rocking house is my sanctuary.  I am a little bummed I had to leave the after party early but its ok.
This next week is going to have some leaps and bounds in work.  (I hope)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spectrums of Sparatic Energy

Pre-Note: The energy levels within my body are fluctuating at an alarming rate.  Almost as if my body is making its own amphetamines.

I have plenty of time to be stressed lately.  Most of it due to the worlds most inconvenient job.  A little is also attributed to the massive traffic ticket I must pay, although I hear Mr. Hebert is also in this boat.  I am trying to relieve some stress through kicking and punching the air, handstands, creative writing, unnecessary loud noises, sleepishing, and of course makin' stuff.  I dont have picture yet but I have almost completed the two stationary axels on the table.  I just need to get some plywood.  Anyways here is a tapestry.  My professor announced to the class that it looks very phallic.  I don't see it.  Its a bunny.       duh.
I also acquired a new bicycle.  If you have ever met me this happens like once a month, but I think this one will stay for a little while longer than the others.  Its grey.  I think I'll name it .....Egor.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Steep Loins

Finally!!  I get back to the studio.  YES YES YES!  I came in with a mission to pillow or billow my table legs and BAM did it!  It was pretty simple and I really enjoyed the tiny vibrations and loud tearing sounds the hand plane makes when you preform a clean stroke.  I also am grateful for the help/ advice Reuben Foat gives me on a daily basis.  Here's a picture. 

I also decided that I don't really care so much about creating myself a financially secure path, just as long as I do happy productive things I'll be fine. But I do want to do this one day. 

Barefoot Mopedtessa. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

No need for Erection.

Oh boy!  This spring break has been completely filled with no productive activities at all.  Work, work, workity, work. 
I did, however, replace the kick down cable in the Fiat with a 5$ bicycle cable and finally got it to shift out of first gear.  I also spent some quality time with my only love Bruce and went to see Sonny and The Sunsets as well as, whom Molly guesses to be, the Sandwiches but is not exactly sure.  The show was terrific and most definitely a high light of the break.
 I am extremely excited to get back into the studio and start pounding out parts for the wave table.  I think this waiting around to do work has started to make me reconsider the actuality of my dreams coming true.  Lately I have been thinking about life after school, as well as noticing how many opportunities I have been passing up to help aid my wood working career.  The lack of theme continuity in my studio work also worries me that the paths I choose after school will be short and sporadic.  Its common in my life to never fully commit my self to one thing.  Short lived and easy exit strategies are my thing, for I have a fear of commitment.  The idea of repetition and extreme indulgence in a specific subject or activity gives me feelings of being caged.  But, maybe my ways of sporadic interests is just a way of allowing myself to accumulate a maximum amount of knowledge.  Understanding intricate systems for specific machines or knowing how to tell the difference between ponderosas from Jeffery's just by their scent seems useful to me.  It doesn't hurt to learn, but I think I might hinder my financial well being if I don't knuckle down; just at least for a little while. 
Here's some boxes and work place humor!.